Dear visitor of this website,
we seek for sponsors for the needy children like the orphans and poor children, in the areas of EDUCATION, GOOD CITIZENSHIP AND HEALTH.
You can also pass through us to have GOOD WORKERS FOR YOUR INDUSTRY/FIRM out there (both males and females). Note that our dealings are always in strict respect of the law.
The needy ones are found below and any person moved by the Holy Spirit can help him/her through us, making a little donation. JUST A DOLLAR CAN CHANGE THEIR LIVES.
If you want to make a Donation, you can use PayPal.

SHONA BIH: needs help in order to go to SCHOOL.

MBANG ETHEL KUO: needs to be supported in school so that she can become a DOCTOR.

NTUH CYNTHIA MBEL: she is an orphan and needs to be supported in school so that she can become a DESIGNER.

NJOM CINTIA: needs to be supported in school so that she can become an ACCOUNTANT.

KUO TILDA KFUSALU: needs to be supported in school so that she can become an ACCOUNTANT.

AKEM GIESEL: needs to be supported in school so that she can become a DESIGNER.

CHAH BRADLEY TIMA: primary one needs a sponsor in order to become a DOCTOR.

TOH FERDINAND: needs to be supported in school so that he can become an CONTRACTOR.

NGAI COLINS: needs financial/material support in school so that he can become an ELECTRICIAN.

NTAM CONSTANCE: needs your support in order to continue school and become a GEOGRAPHY TEACHER.

JOYLA FULAI: is mentally deranged and has 3 children who need sponsors in order to continue their education (Physical or Financial).

KING IMMACULATE BEBTI: is disable on feet and needs a help either physical or financial in order to become INDEPENDENT.

NSOM MALVIS: needs to be supported in school so that he can become a CONTRACTOR.

ASEH STANDLY: needs to be supported in school so that he can become an BUILDING CONTRACTOR.

CLINTON BANGSI: needs to be supported in school so that he can become an BUILDING CONTRACTOR.

ADUMBAIN CATHERINE: needs your support in order to continue school and become a an ACCOUNTANT.

TIMBONG EDWINA BIH: needs your support in order to become an ACCOUNTANT

FOINTAMA ONEIL: (disabled for 19 years) needs your support to be able to buy food and other needs. He is fed only in the mouth by his poor parents.

Please, help us construct our Bridge, we are suffering. FEPCIG's PEOPLE.

MAKAIN IRENE: needs your support in order to become a WEB DESIGNER.

Musi Irene has lost 5 of her 8 children, diagnosed as a HIGH BLOOD PATIENT in Mbingo Baptist Hospital. She needs support in order to be buying her drugs.

FIENAIN: needs help in order to become an ACCOUNTANT.

I am LYDIA FONTAMA, I need your support to be buying food because I have problems with my legs for two years now, I am in one position, I cannot move. Please help me through FEPCIG. THANK YOU.

MARGARET MOH is a deaf and needs your support in order to feed herself and her children. PLEASE HELP HER. THANKS

JAM PRAISES NSANGLI, JAM HONEST CHONGSI AND JAM RUTH BI NAIN are from very poor families, and so need your support in order to go to SCHOOL.

PRAISES NSANGLI needs help in order to go to school. PLEASE help her.

I am AKEM ZIDAN YUH, I am an orphan, I lost my parents when I was 4 years old and now, there is no one to care for me. Please, help me through FEPCIG CAMEROON to be able to acquire my school needs. THANKS FOR YOUR SYMPATHY.

HONEST CHONSI needs to be supported to go to school.

JAM RUTH needs help in order to go to school

NAPOLEON needs your help in order to become a CONTRACTOR. Please just a dollar can promote him. Thanks.

Here, we stand with FEPCIG DIRECTOR. We will improve our lives with your help, WE NEED SHOES, WARM CLOTHS AND FOOD. Please help us through FEPCIG CAMEROON. We thank you.

NKWAIN ANNA needs your support in order to become a scientist. Please help her through FEPCIG. Thanks.

FOINTAMA, KIARA AND NATOUH: need support in order to go to school.

KAIN ROSINE studying computer at FEPCIG documentation needs your support in order to become a DOCTOR

These students are learning computer at FEPCIG CENTRE. They need your support in order to have their own computers upon graduation so as to be independent. We thank you.

Construct our bridge because we are unable to cross to school particularly when rain falls. Please, we need your help.

We are the OLD PEOPLE'S GROUP of Fungom in Belo, BOYO,NWR-Cameroon, please help us to either have a grinding mill or farm tools like hoes, spades cutlasses or transport equipment. Pass through our helper FEPCIG Cameroon to help us. THANKS FOR YOUR HELP.

We are showing our hands begging for someone to help build our classroom because we are learning in a rented collapsing building as shown. Please help us through FEPCIG.

These children need a volunteer teacher of either mathematics, accounting or computer.

FEPCIG people are begging for support in order to construct this bridge that links two big quarters in Njinikejem - Belo where FEPCIG is based. Please support us. Thanks.
These women are above the age of 60 and have been convinced to study and be able to read and write. they need both technical and financial support to achieve their aims.

CHAH FIRACLINE MAFOU: primary 3, needs a sponsor in order to become an ACCOUNTANT.

These children need your support in order to build their classrooms. They are learning under unbearable weather conditions.

These children are learning in a school without classrooms and so cannot learn effectively during heavy rains and sunshine. they need classrooms.

JUSTINA FINDOH is a mother of six, seriously ill with the children, suffering from a very high level of starvation. Please help her through FEPCIG to be able to get medication, food and clothing, just with a dollar, she will be fine. THANKS FOR YOUR SYMPATHY.

I am BLESSING, I need your support to be able to acquire the basic things like food, shoes and clothes. Please, contact FEPCIG in order to help me. THANKS.

We need a fence round our school for our security, we are learning near a dangerous river Mughom that took away the life of one of us in 2010. Please, help build our fence through FEPCIG CAMEROON.

These children need your support in order to build their classroom because they are learning in open air which is a poor condition. Thanks for your help.
These children are begging for your support in order to have didactic material in school because they lack basic teaching aids. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
I am NKKWAIN NORA, I need a sponsor in order to become a web designer.
I am BANG BANG AMINETTE, I was born without my left hand and I am still suffering till now. I am begging for someone to help me through FEPCIG CAMEROON to become a journalist. Thanks.
These children need more computers to study as they are at home, unable to go to school. Please help them FEPCIG's people.
We are learning computer at FEPCIG. We need more computers at FEPCIG. PLEASE HELP US THROUGH FEPCIG CAMEROON. THANKS
I was not born blind but now, I am blind. Please support me.
NGONG BERNADINE needs your support in order to go to school because her mother is blind.
We are gradually losing our sight because of lack of medical attention. Please, help us through FEPCIG Cameroon else we shall become completely useless in the nearest future. Thanks for your timely care.
We the blind people at Wombong in Njinikom need your support through FEPCIG. PLEASE, DONATE TO HELP US, WE ARE SUFFERING.
We are disabled, please support us through FEPCIG Cameroon. Thanks.
We, the disabled people at Njinikom in BOYO Division are blind, lame, deaf and doom and so cannot survive without your support. Please donate to FEPCIG in order to help us. Thanks a lot.
If you want to make a Donation, you can use PayPal.
Another way to help Fepcig is to BECOME A VOLUNTEER:
for more information about it, please click here.